Emae Church


Thanks for popping by.

Mentally, I am Peter Pan. I never grow up. And I don’t take part in adulthood, save for driving, having credit cards, or buying alcohol without ID.

In fact, when I was young, my mother would ask me to go to the Off Licence (or liquor store) for her. Ask somebody, “Could you get me served, please?”

Often facial distaste was the response, but then a friendly stranger would ask, “What do you want?” It was always cider, and I would part with the cash, half expecting them to do a runner. No one ever did.

Hence, buying – not drinking – alcohol is something I have achieved since the age of ten. Sounds deprived, I know, but it’s all part of life’s fabric.

No, I’m not an alcoholic now, but I am an independent IT consultant, and best of all, I am a writer.

I have always written silly poems about people, work and events going on around me. I should have been a Valentine Day card writer as I enjoy silly, romantic, cutesy poetry.

My favourite books are Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent and Lord of the Rings. I enjoy emotional themes with Sci-Fi or Fantasy. Hence The Host is a good one. Bridge to Terabithia, My Sister’s Keeper and anything by John Green are perfect for me. I also love amazing writers such as Matt Haig and Chloe Seager. The Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore are very special to me, as are the beautiful books by Teri Terry.

I tend to read so much more now. Reading = writing, and I understand why so many of the top authors chant this advice often.

Travelling is a large part of my working life, and with that comes adventure and new experiences.

My heart belongs to British Columbia, and if the Heavens have a plan for me, I hope it includes a life there. The pictures on this site were taken by me when I last visited BC in early 2017.

Earth 101 – Time to Run is my debut novel and is a story I love and am excited about.

So, that’s an introduction to me.

Thank you.